Dr. Marquis Bey, "Trans Insurgency, Black Radicality: Abolitionist Endeavors"
WSQ "Nonbinary" Special Issue Launch

KEYNOTE Marquis Bey: Trans Radicality and Abolitionist Politics
In a wide-ranging conversation hosted as part of the Clayman Conversations series, three scholars of gender and sexuality—Marquis Bey, Jules Gill-Peterson, and Grace Lavery—set out to think through the politics of trans exclusion, but ended up thinking through the energy and wonder of a trans inclusive feminism. While the main topic under discussion were the TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) and the strange fellow travelers their position has attracted amidst conservatives, the alt right, and free speech absolutists, the conversation broadly dealt with the experiences and priorities of transgender activists and academics, the intersections of feminism and race in discussions about trans inclusion, as well as questions both metaphysical and practical impacting trans lives.
Critical Conversations: Beyond the Gender Binary
A virtual panel featuring Marquis Bey, Sebastian Cordoba, Archie Crowley, and Artemis Lopez, moderated by Andrea Miller and Nicole Morse.
Berea College: jayy dodd and the Question of Black Trans Feminism. October 3, 2019
Northwestern University: Colloquium on Ethnicity and Diaspora Panel. October 30, 2019
American Studies Association: Sex and Gender as Racial Projects: “Black Matter, Trans Matter: a Meditation.” November 8, 2019
Syracuse University: Roundtable on New Directions in African American Literature. September 20, 2019
The New School: Kathy Acker panel, Trans | Acker. November 22, 2019
Northwestern University: Salon and Social: Black Trans Feminism. February 2020
American Philosophical Association: Author Meets Critics—A Panel on Marquis Bey’s Them Goon Rules. February 28, 2020
Columbia University in Paris: "Penser le marronnage: vers une autre histoire de l'émancipation" (Thinking Marronage: Towards another history of emancipation): Fugitive Genders, Gendered Fugitivity. November 14-15, 2019
Orland Park Public Library BHM talk on "Thinking With Radical Black Feminism." February 20, 2020
University of Chicago Poetry and Poetics Workshop, November 18, 2019
Chair of “Histories of Black Trans Activism” panel at African American Intellectual History Society Conference
Hofstra Queer Studies Symposium on “‘Deviant’ Pasts, Subversive Futures?”: Black Trans Ether: Something Like Gender Abolition
UC Berkeley guest symposium speaker on Keywords in Trans Methods: “Black // Trans”
Facilitator for 13th Documentary, Temple Chai
Stanford University, Clayman Institute for Gender Research: The TERF Industrial Complex: Transphobia, Feminism and Race. August 26, 2020
CUNY Graduate Center: Guest Speaker on Them Goon Rules. September 17, 2020
Northwestern University: The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) in The Graduate School (TGS) Keynote Lecture for the Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN) program. October 2, 2020
Morehouse College: Invited Guest Lecturer: Blackness, Transness, and the Human. October 1, 2020
Indiana University: Undercommons and Destituent Power Conference: “Ante-Politics: Self-defense of the Surround” Panel with Fred Moten, Stefano Harney, Ross Gay, Idris Robinson, and Billy-Ray Belcourt. November 14, 2020
Queen’s University: Invited Guest Lecturer: Blackness, Queerness, and Abolition
Mills College: Panelist for “The Black Radical Tradition in an Age of White Rage” with Robin D.G. Kelley and Jenn Jackson
Commerce Smith School of Business, Queen’s University: “Notes on (Trans)Gender: Toward ‘Cis’tem Failure” for Smith Commerce Anti-Oppression and Equity Speaker Series
SAGE Publishing’s “The State of Trans Studies in the 2020s.” April 7, 2021
Spelman College: “Incorporeal Blackness” and Rachel Dolezal for Rebecca Kumar’s “Seeing Double” course. April 23, 2021
Association of University Press Annual Meeting: “A Bias-Free Workflow: Combating Racism and Gender Bias at Multiple Levels.” June 2021
“Just Culture” Annual Concert and Conference co-organized by Underground Scholars Initiative, UCLA: “Abolition, Colonialism, Solidarity.” May 31, 2021
Sociologists for Trans Justice Writing Symposium, Portland State University. August 13–14, 2021
SAGE Pride Month Panel on Queer Methodologies. June 30, 2021
27th annual Moore Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (MURAP) virtual conference on “Justice and Trans-Formation”